I was still busy chasing promotion for The Mayor meets Buzz Hawkins and the Bradshaws.

St. Philip’s Primary School in Nelson paid us a visit to the Town Hall. The children came into the Council Chamber where I told them a bit about Pendle and the Council. They were very impressed with the civic chains and asked lots of Questions. One was; who is the lady on the picture on the wall. They got the answer right – The Queen. We then asked them who’s picture it was on the opposite wall, of the man dressed in a kilt. They got the first bit right Prince – but when we encouraged them to complete the name they came up with Prince Charming. It was the Prince Phillip, Duke of Edinburgh. From there I showed them around the Mayor’s parlour and then into the Member Room for a glass of orange juice.

We remember Holocaust Day
At 11.45 we joined with Building Bridges and local residents to remember Holocaust day.
Here’s what I said;
I wish that we didn’t need to have a Holocaust day.
I wish that we didn’t have to remember the terrible things that man has done to man.
I wish that these atrocities had never happened.
But they did and still do.
We know the Holocaust as the terrible occurrences in Germany in the last war, to Jews, Gypsies, the mentally handicapped, political opponents, homosexuals and others.
And many, many more people in large and small countries all over the world have continued to witness the terrible brutality of one group thinking that they have the power of life or death over others.
The lessons of history have still not yet been learned and even today we see yet more violence in Kenya and other countries.
Human beings are predominantly kindly and caring but we all need to stand up against them that would wish drag humanity to the depths of holocaust.
Mankind needs to continue to remember and to ensure that future generations do not make the same mistakes again.
At 1pm I chaired the Licensing Committee Meeting in the Council Chamber. This was to consider changes to Taxi operators and drivers rules. Including licensing of stretch limousines and a Code of practice on taxi Noise. They were approved with some minor amendments.
After a quick trip back home I returned to the Town Hall to greet the Burnley, Pendle and Rossendale Sea Cadets.
The Sea Cadets have a look at the Mace which could be used to protect the Mayor
This is part of their programme for community badges. They all wanted to know what the civic regalia was worth – I had to tell them that even I didn’t know that. I was asked lots of questions and after showing them around the Town Hall we went to the Members room for a cup of tea. I then took the opportunity to show them my blog on the projector screen.
Tuesday 29 January
In the evening a group from the Brierfield Cyber Café came to visit us at the Town Hall. I did my usual explanation of what the Council and I do. The young men from Brierfield are all on a Muslim Youth Leadership Course which encourages them to become good leader in the community.
These young men from Brierfield are offering to raise £1000 for the Mayor's Charities!
I told them that I had left school at 15 with no exams but had through lots of hard work had built my own company and had been honoured by being appointed Mayor of Pendle. I said if I could do it anyone can. The project manager Naheed Ashraf, told me that the lads are planning an Asian Lunch at Brierfield Community Centre to raise £1000 for the Mayoress’s Charities.
Wednesday 30 January
In the evening I attended the Barnoldswick Town Council meeting where I am vice-chairman. We set the Town’s budget for 2008/9 which includes supporting the community cinema and local events, including more on the Town Square. We also agreed to try to stop the closing of the Gisburn Road Post Office, which has recently come under threat.
Thursday 31 January
Just before lunch we called at Marsden Grange to congratulate Nora on her 101st birthday.
Happy 101st birthday Nora
We presented Nora with a floral decoration and a card. Although whilst we have been to plenty on 90, 100 and more birthdays – they have all been women. What a fantastic achievement and I hope that I am as active as her at that age! She told us about when she lived below the Imperial in Nelson at a time when she was wearing clogs. We also had a chat with some of the other residents and they all have a story to tell.
From there we had a meeting with Jane and committee section regarding The Mayors Black & White Ball. The committee section for the first time are organising the event and are making an excellent job of it. We just need to sell some tickets now.
From there I went over to the Pendle Enterprise Trust office to go through the Pendle Business Awards short listing. We had over 70 applications and found short listing was not easy. It really shows the energy and vibrance of Pendle’s businesses.
These are the shortlisted Companies
New Business of the Year
Blossom Tree Childcare, Colne
Giddy Kippers, Nelson
Old Rock Café, Trawden
Small Retailer of the Year
Going Dutch, Nelson
Presentation, Barrowford
Jasmine Porschalink, Nelson
Most Outstanding Business of the Year – Small
Axiom Imports, Trawden
Harvey Environmental, Colne
Garden Doctors, Colne
Most Outstanding Business of the Year – medium/large
Hartley’s Farm Foods, Nelson
Hope Technology, Barnoldswick
AC DC Lighting, Barrwford
R Kirk Ltd, Colne
Business Commitment to Staff Training
H W Petty, Nelson
Merc Engineering, Barrowford
Arthur Padgett, Nelson
Business Commitment to Community
Loop Publishing, Nelson
Hope Technology, Barnoldswick
Essentials (RCS), Fence
Environmental Business of the Year
Euravia, Kelbrook
Printoff Graphic Arts Ltd, Nelson
Malkin Tower Farm, Blacko
Business Woman of the Year
Blossom Tree Childcare – Pauline, Colne
PDS Engineering – Annette Getty, Nelson
Nail Studio – Abigail Hynes, Colne
Business Person of the Year
MTT – Peter Willoughby, Nelson
Merc Engineering – Les Nuttall, Barrwoford
Panaz – Tony Attard, Fence
Matthew Kibble Transport – Matthew Kibble, Colne
Friday 1 February
In the morning to my surprise I found a wren flying around the downstairs bathroom, how it got in I have no idea.. My efforts to catch it with a towel failed, so I opened all of the windows and it escaped. The day was threatening snow although we haven’t had much of a winter so far and we are now into February. Is global warming effecting Barlick?
I went over to Economic Development for a meeting to organise the first Pendle Business Awards event which is planned for Feb. 27th at the Fence Gate Hotel. The event will start with a champagne reception followed by dinner and then the winners will be announced. It promises to be really a great evening for our innovative local companies.