We drove over to Malkin Tower Farm near Blacko to congratulate them on their Gold Award for Green Tourism. The Malkin Tower Farm Holiday Cottages offer a high standard of accommodation with panoramic view over the Pendle countryside.
Gold award for Green Tourism at Malkin Tower
The owners have diversified their Farm to cater for the increased number of tourists wanting to come to Pendle. We were told of an American couple that had flown over just to pay the deposit! We had press photographers their to record the planting of a tree to celebrate their success. The farm has links to the story of the Pendle Witches and on Good Friday 1612 it was reported that a meeting of witches was held at Malkin Tower.
Tuesday 27 November
In the morning we had to get into the Town Hall early to welcome a delegation from the Nigerian Government.

I welcome the Nigerian party in the Council Chamber
They were on a study tour looking at rural regeneration issues. I welcomed the group to Pendle and told them a bit about our area. They then went on a visit to an equestrian centre at Fence whilst we had to get into the Mayoral Robes for Lancashire Day.
The Town Crier, King Edward I, the Mayoress and I read the Lancashire Day declaration
We joined Coun Beckett dressed as the town crier and Coun Adam as Edward the first. A local school provided a folk dancing display, which got everyone in the mood. There were stalls selling black pudding, Lancashire tea, Eccles cakes and lots of Lancashire delicacies.

Back in Nigeria the temperature was 36 degrees - in Nelson it was about 6 degrees!
The Nigerian party then re-joined us and we had some photographs taken with them.
Back then to the Town Hall for the Licensing Committee which I chair. Unfortunately because a councillor declared an interest we were unable to proceed because we didn’t have enough councillors. Fortunately, Councillors Beckett and Adam were found just getting ready to tuck into Lancashire Hotpot. They agreed to join us, even though they will still in their costumes!
I dashed home and just managed to catch up with the Nigerians again at Bancroft Mill engine in Barnoldswick to wish them farewell. I then had a quick change before going back to Nelson again for the Nelson Town Centre Partnership meeting.
An artists impression of the new ACE centre in Nelson
Here we discussed big plans for the regeneration of Nelson Town Centre. Lots of good things are coming on stream in the town after decades of decline.

In the afternoon I chaired the Council’s Communication Group, which I try to keep to a tight finish time at 5pm. This is so I can get back home, grab a bit to eat and get changed for the next Mayoral engagement. So we then went to Colne Muni for Marsden Heights Community College Awards Evening – One Year On.

The award winners of Marsden Heights
Head Teacher Mike Tull welcomed us. Mike has taken the old Mansfield and Edge End schools and merged them into one, in readiness for the 21st century new school, which is shortly to be built. We had a most interesting evening where lots of their students were involved.
Friday 30 November
We start our Christmas shopping in Brierfield
Starting in Brierfield at noon we went around the shops to encourage local people to use our local shops particularly over the Christmas period.
We pick up some of Oddie's famous mince pies
We got our first mince pies at Oddies and some tasty sausages at Townson’s butchers before going into the Coop for Fair Trade Christmas pudding and a bottle of red wine.

The basket was already starting to fill up nicely. We also called in at Talking Heads hairdressers and Precious Metals.
The sweet stall in Nelson Market Hall gets ready for Christmas
We then continued into Nelson to buy flowers at Going Dutch before going on to the offices of Northern Life and Whitesides bakers.

In the evening we went in black tie to Craven District Council's Civic Dinner at Coniston Hotel. We were welcomed by Coun David Ireton who as Craven District Council's Chairman is the equivalent to our Mayor. When we left it was pouring down and it was late before we got back home.
Saturday 1 December
A very busy day today. The first event was at Asda at Colne for the start of their Christmas celebrations. We were met at Asda by Diane who does lots to support the Mayoress’s charity efforts.

The ladies of the Mayoress's committee man our tombola stand
The ladies of the Mayoress’s committee were on hand selling tombola tickets to raise funds for our charities. The Salvation Army were playing Christmas carols and students from Pendle Vale College were packing bags for customers to raise money for a college mini-bus.

We left there to get to Kelbrook village Hall for their Christmas Fair. Father Christmas was already parked up outside.

Father Christmas said that he was warm enough outside Kelbrook Village Hall
We started by officially opening the hall after its extensive refurbishment. After a look around all of the stalls and almost winning at the game where you have to guess whether the next card shown is higher or lower. I lost out on the last one – just my luck.
I always like to check out the cake stall
In the afternoon we went to the Burnley, Pendle and district Catholic Fellowship for the handicapped Christmas Party.

The school choir sing for everyone at the party
We met the Mayor of Burnley there and then went around the tables to chat with the people at the party, who were all enjoying themselves.

The chairman and secretary of Luther Greenwood Festival show us the programme
Back then to Barnoldswick for a quick cup of tea and a change before going to the Luther Greenwood Memorial Festival Diamond Jubilee held at Colne Muni. We met with the grand daughter of Luther Greenwood who presented a silver tray to the Festival. I went on stage to welcome everyone and put my foot in it by thanking the men’s choir that had just sung. I called them the Arion (who are in Nelson) instead of the Colne Orpheus Glee Union. My mistake got a few gasps from the choir but a laugh from the audience. I told them that I was wearing the 110 years old Colne Civic Chain which had also been worn by The Mayor of Colne, Alderman Foulds, in 1900 at the First annual Musical Competition which was the forerunner of the Festival. The musicians, dancers and singers were all of very high quality and the Festival was much complimented.
Sunday 2 December
After visiting my sister Dorothy in Burnley Hospital who was getting her knee sorted out, we went to Brierfield for the Building Bridges, Children’s Festive Celebrations. After chatting to the children who were from different schools all over Pendle I was asked to give a few words.
I started by telling the children that Mayors are lucky people as we get to eat lots of mince pies, invited to loaded of parties and see Father Christmas a lot. I then said that if I could get to be Mayor anyone could. So did any of them want to be Mayor when they grew up? Quite a few of them shot their hands up.
They all got a present from Father Christmas, with a white and black beard!