You may know that we are walking the whole of the Pendle Way (45 miles) each Tuesday over 8 weeks. So on Monday, the Mayoress Barbara (my sister), her husband Barry and I caught up on section 5, the stretch of the Pendle Way that we had to call off the previous week because of bad weather. (Although 8 of the walkers braved the weather to complete it then). This took us from the Coldwell activity Centre to Brierfield. The walk gave us some excellent views of Pendle and took us past Catlow bottom with its ford in full flow. We also went close to Southfield Chapel where John Wesley preached in 1786. From there we went down to Walverden reservoir which provide water for Nelson, over the golf course and down into Brierfield. We then went back up to the Coldwell Centre for lunch and to pick up the other car. Section 5 Walk is 4.5 miles.
On Tuesday we met up with the other walkers again to walk section 6 from Brierfield to Newchurch. This section took us down to Pendle water and the boundary with Burnley, with long distance views over to West Yorkshire.

On then for a quick break at Higham. We then continued uphill keeping just below the Rigg of England and onto Bull Hole and Moss End.
Walkers take a breather at Higham
We soon arrived at Newchurch in Pendle with its 'eye of god' on St Mary's church tower dating back to 1544. Section 6 is 6 miles.

Newchurch in Pendle - end of walk
If you would like to join us for Section 7 on Tuesday 28th August, we start from Newchurch in Pendle and walk over Pendle Hill to Barley.
On Wednesday I held the first of our business lunches at the Town Hall. The purpose of these is to talk with business owners about their aspirations for growth in Pendle. We had 5 small businesses for the lunch, who make things from sandwiches to railway doors.

Growing Pendle Businesses
The day was a success and we got many ideas how we could work together to increase the number of jobs available in Pendle. At the next business lunch which I am planning, I shall be inviting business start up companies to see how we can help them to grow quickly.
On Thursday I attended the annual Long Service Awards for Town Hall staff, 19 of whom had worked in local government for a quarter of a century. These loyal and hard working staff have contributed significantly over the years to make Pendle a council which punches well above its weight.
In the Council Chamber for Council Meeting
On Thursday evening I chaired the Pendle Council Meeting where we amongst other things moved a motion to invite Gordon Brown to visit us to see what we do well and why we need more support for regeneration.
On Friday I discussed further development plans with my directors at my design and print business on Lomeshaye Estate in Nelson. I also spent some time advising another new start up business on how to produce a business plan. In the evening I watched England get beat by India at cricket by 10 runs.
On Saturday I had a day off (hurray) and got my first chance to try out my new Westwood V20/50 ride on grass cutter.

For the technically minded 20 stands for horse power and 50 stands for 50 inch cutting deck! I am told that the old way of cutting the grass in late summer is still best for fields and encourages new grass and flowers next year. At my home in Barnoldswick I have around 5 acres of land most of which is old limstone quarries. Locally they are called the humps and hollows or the humpty dumtys, so that gives you an idea what its like to keep on top of. As the land will probably have never been fertilised artificially, in early summer we get orchids and lots of wild flowers. I also have a tiny stream running through in which grows watercress and marsh marigolds. The local farmer says that the land hasn't looked as good more many years, so I must be getting the balance more or less right.
On Sunday the Mayoress and I visited the 85th Barrowford Show. We arrived by horse drawn trailer pulled by Clifford, a 1 ton shire horse. Clifford was magnificent and later appeared with his owner dressed as a knight in armour. The day was sunny and warm and we met lots of people enjoying themselves.
On the MS Society human fruit machine at Barrowford Show
At the President lunch I took the opportunity to tell everyone about the exciting festivals that are planned in Pendle, this Summer and Autumn. This includes the Walking Festival which starts at 10.00am on Friday 31st August at the Pendle Heritage Centre. There are over 40 free guided walks so why now come and join us?